Here I go again...

Two years ago I had a Science Fiction Short Story, Baby Babble, published in a SF and Fantasy anthology called Fusion by a shiny new independent publisher called Fantastic Books Publishing.Since then Fantastic Books (FBP) have gone from strength to strength, culminating in them fully embracing the computer game franchise Elite: Dangerous and sweeping up five of the authors who had funded their writing pack license costs through Kickstarter campaigns of their own (including my friend Drew Wagar and BBC Click presenter Kate Russell). FBP then ran their own Kickstarter campaign to produce some amazing physical books to support the imminent release of the actual game...Anyway, now that they've produced the Elite: Dangerous books they've returned to producing their next (pure) SF anthology and... <drum roll> Two, yup, count 'em, two of my short stories made the Short-list...Dreading the edits, but I always do...Here's the news direct from the site - SF Anthology short-list. Until next time.John Hoggard